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Approved tradesmen

ICS Tree services Ltd are proud to be awarded both Fairtrades and Trustmark approved status, this means we are trading fairly and offering quality workmanship. Trustmark is a Government endorsed and vetted scheme, this is good news for our many customers…

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Funky Fungi!

We found this fabulous Funky Fungi!  on dead wood at our yard this week. Called Coral Spot because after affected branches die they develop pinhead-sized coral-pink fungal pustules, is a disease caused by the fungus Nectria cinnabarina. It causes die-back…

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Rogue “Tree Surgeons” Could you spot one?

 Rogue "Tree Surgeons" Could you spot one?   Rogue tree surgeons have been operating all around the UK for many years, however with the current economic climate more and more of them are establishing themselves. Tree Surgery is a specialist…

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No Conifers but a New Fence!

No Conifers but a New Fence! This week we started a job in Selby, 57 Conifers to remove, grind the stumps out and then supply and erect a new fence. New fence consisted of concrete posts, gravel boards and Heavy duty…

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Fencing Selby

Fencing Selby

Fencing Selby   This week ICS Tree Services have been doing a Fencing Selby job, we removed an over grown Ivy hedge to ground level and then built a new Featheredge fence along the boundary along with a new matching…

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Site Clearance Leeds

Site Clearance Leeds

Site Clearance Leeds Another professional site clearance Leeds by ICS Tree Services. We arrived on site  with our qualified, professional crew. The overgrown site was quickly and efficiently cleared of trees, bushes and plants. Using our industrial shredder, the waste…

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Site clearance tree surgeon leeds

ICS have been to Doncaster this week doing a site clearance tree surgeon leeds job, we felled and removed 22 trees from the old Doncaster rovers football site, soon to be lovely new houses.

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Tree Surgeon York

tree surgery Leeds

tree surgery Leeds   Been a busy week at ICS this week, we have been in carrying out some tree surgery leeds http on some large poplar trees, ICS are specialist in all large tree work.

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Stump Grinding Leeds

stump removal leeds

If you need stump removal leeds ICS tree services are the people to call, we have both large and small stump grinders and can get to just about any location!

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