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Ash Dieback Tree Removal

Ash Dieback Tree Removal

ICS Tree Services are professional Leeds tree surgeons providing an ash dieback tree removal service.

Ash dieback is a serious disease now affecting ash trees in the UK. Caused by a fungus, the disease causes a loss of leaf to the affected ash tree and also dieback to the crown of the ash tree.

For ash trees suffering from ash dieback, prompt action will reduce costs. Ash dieback is incurable ash tree disease and will cause the tree to die. Dealing with an ash affected by dieback quickly, is more cost effective in the long run as the ash tree will become more unstable over time as the disease progresses.

If you have ash trees in your garden and look like tree shown, your ash tree could be suffering from ash dieback. Contact ICS Tree Services for an expert opinion and a free quotation for ash dieback tree removal.


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